1. The MicroKIT is a low-cost embedded software learning kit with an easy interfacing
with Microchip’s MPLAB® ICD 2 real-time debugger and programmer.
The MicroKIT and design engineer’s PC can be connected via MPLAB ICD 2 through USB
It acts as an intelligent interface/translator between the two; allowing engineer
to programs/debug the on-board MicroKIT’s microcontroller using Microchip’s MPLAB®
2. The program can be executed in real time and examined in detail using the debug
functions of MPLAB. Set watch variables and breakpoints from symbolic labels in
C or assembly source code, and single step through C source lines or into assembly
A breakpoint can be set to halt the program at a specific location. The program
can be single-stepped or run at full speed. At breakpoints, data and program memory
can be read and modified.
- 16bit PIC24HJ64GP210 Microcontroller
- 20x2 LCD Panel
- 6 Key Keypad
- 10 bit ADC & 16 bit DAC
- 4-20mA converter
- DIP Switches
- 16 Analog Inputs & 4 Analog outputs
- Real time clock
- Serial EEPROM
- RS232 serial Interface
- 16 Digital Outputs with LED indicators
- +5V supply with 12-24 volts DC Input
- MPLAB ICD 2 can be used to program or reprogram the microcontroller installed on
the KIT.

System Requirements
- MPLAB ICD 2 module, an ICD interfaces cable and USB cable.
- Microsoft windows 98 SE, windows 2000 or windows XP.
- MPLAP IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
- 9 V AC-DC adapter.
- cPort is a software program designed to convert serial (RS232) data to the TCP/IP
packets format and TCP/IP packets to serial data.
- While running on your PC, cPort can receive serial data from a COM port of your
PC and then send them out to a TCP/IP network through a TCP/IP socket connection
on your PC.
- cPort can also receive serial data from a TCP/IP network through a TCP/IP socket
connection and send them to a serial port on your MPLAB ICD 2 module, an ICD interfaces
cable and USB cable.